Flameskill wins contract to test 1712, 80ltr Inergen Cylinders
May 31, 2017
Flameskill has won a contract to test and recertify 1712, 80ltr Inergen Cylinders. The contract that started on the 19th May is well underway, with weekly batches coming through Flameskill’s cylinder test workshop, as agreed with the client.
The cylinders are replacement cylinders for an installation in the Far East, where they have a 5 yearly test requirement. This was the best solution for the client from a cost, quality and safety perspective, to have the cylinders imported, have the cylinders tested, and then send them back to the Far East for re-installation. Flameskill’s accreditation was of the utmost importance, and the deciding factor for winning the contact.
Flameskill are fully accredited to UKAS BS EN ISO 17020:2012 for TPED Cylinders, and D.O.T. Accredited for D.O.T. stamped cylinders.
Click here for further information on our cylinder test, refilling and refurbishment facilities